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Arrived, accepted, at home

4 months ago, we were asked by the school if we would take in the 12-year-old twins Simphiwe (girl) and Sphiwe (boy) at the centre. They moved to this new neighbourhood nine months ago with their blind mother and had great difficulty integrating at the school. They hardly spoke and isolated themselves from the other children during breaks. We decided to take them in because they really needed help. "I often had to send Sphiwe to the rubbish dump to look for something to eat," the other told us. "I couldn’t work for a long time as my eyesight was deteriorating
year by year."

In the past months, the twins have developed positively in all areas. Sphiwe shows versatile interest and asks many questions. The growing self-confidence is also evident in Simphiwe, who has discovered her joy in dancing. Positive feedback from the school confirmed that we did the
right thing by taking in these half-orphans.

Due to the death of the grandfather, the grandmother received insurance benefits that enabled her to build a new shack for her daughter and the grandchildren, which has windows and offers a little more space. There are still many things lacking at the new home - Sphiwe still sleeps on the floor or must share a bed with his sister. But the grandmother is helping them with food for the time being. Thanks to the food at the centre and the grandmother's help, the children at least no longer go hungry.

House of Encouragement


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